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One Planet Living Principles

Did you know that if every person on Earth used as many resources, and produced as much waste, as the typical North American,  we would require five planets to support the world’s population?

It’s this theory that underpins One Planet Living: the idea that we need to adjust, adapt and act on 10 key principles which will lead to happier, healthier, and more sustainable lives.  Crucially, One Planet Living puts people first. It's grounded in the reality of how people live their lives rather than box ticking, and there’s no ‘greenwashing’ to be seen here. The principles are holistic, too; nothing will fall between the cracks.​​The framework is designed to support anyone in their goal to become more sustainable ,from individuals to organisations to entire countries, and everyone in between.

In a time where leading climate scientists are saying we have ‘ four years to make changes, or we are cooked ’, the challenge of addressing the climate crisis can feel overwhelming. But OnePlanet Living’s principles are a straightforward, thoughtful way to make real and lasting change.

Posted on 17th September 2021

by ATP